Ramirez guitars are among the instruments with the longest tradition. There are many good “guitarreros” – “guitar constructors”, in Spain today, and there will probably be a whole video section on Spanish Guitar makers on the website. As far as the “palo-santo” side and spruce top guitars are concerned, the classical guitar with the most consistent quality I’ve seen is the Ramirez III. Very few of the classical guitars I had a chance to try during the last 33 years, had such depth and strength. I must also admit that also the flamenco guitars of the Salvador Dali lookalike, Jose Ramirez III, were absolutely the best instruments this family ever made. Unfortunately, through the years, the quality deteriorated, and the fifth generation Ramirez’s, Cristina and Enrique, will have to make a serious undertaking, to reach the quality their granddad used to have… To turn on English subtitles, first click on “CC” button, (down-right in the YouTube window, underlined with red means “subs on”), and turn on Spanish subs first. Then click on a “small gear”, next to it, and select “auto translate”, select: English, and it will display the subtitles translated to English, immediately. The translation is terrible, but it’s better than not having any…
Las guitarras Ramirez están entre los instrumentos con la tradición más larga. Hay muchos guitarreros buenos en España hoy, y probablemente habra toda una seccion de videos sobre produccion de la Guitarra Española. En cuanto las guitarras de palo-santo lados y abeto de frente se consideran, la guitarra clasica con la calidad mas consistente que he visto es Ramirez III. Muy pocas de las guitarras clasicas que pude probar durante los ultimos 33 años tuvieran tanta profundidad y fuerza. Tambien tengo que admitir que las flamenco guitarras del Salvador Dali parecido, Jose Ramirez III, tambien fueron las mejores que esa familia hizo jamas. Desafortunadamente, durante los años, la calidad deterioro, y la quinta generacion de los Ramirez, Cristina y Enrique, tendran que hacer un esfuerzo serio, para llegar a la calidad que su abuelo tenia…